Friday, December 02, 2005

Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire: a well-made film right on the pre-Christmans period

The film I saw this week on cinema was the fourth episode of the Harry Potter series (time does fly!) The Goblet of Fire truly is a Hollywood blockbuster film exploiting the popularity of Rowling's books. Even though it is very well made with good acting and directing, photography as most of Hollywood films has really nothing to offer beside the momentary pleasure of watching it. The script in spite of the book’s length is a quite good adaptation including all the main points of the plot and managing to remain consistent. There is adventure, romance, mystery, suspense all the ingredients of an old tested but successful recipe. Besides of it’s clichés- the presentation of teenage love or the relationship between men and women- it remains a pleasant film that is easily watched and enjoyed. Since we have already entered into the Christmas spirit I would say that it is a most suitable film for this period of the year.

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